1. Greetings
こんにちは (Kon nichiwa): Hello / Good afternoon
おはようございます (Ohayou gozaimas): Good morning (polite)
こんばんは (Kon banwa): Good evening
さようなら (Sa you nara): Goodbye
2. Introducing Yourself
はじめまして (Hajimemashite): Nice to meet you
私の名前は[Your Name]です (Watashi no namae wa [Your Name] desu): My name is [Your Name]
[Your Country]から来ました ([Your Country] kara kimashita): I’m from [Your Country]
よろしくお願いします (Yoroshiku onegaishimasu): Please treat me kindly (used when meeting someone new)
3. Asking Questions
お名前は何ですか? (Onamae wa nan desu ka?): What is your name?
どこから来ましたか? (Doko kara kimashita ka?): Where are you from?
これは何ですか? (Kore wa nan desu ka?): What is this?
英語が話せますか? (Eigo ga hanasemasu ka?): Can you speak English
もう一度、言ってください(mou ichido itte kudasai): Please say it again.
もう少し ゆっくり 話して ください(mousukoshi yukkuri hanashite kudasai): Please speak more slowlyy.
4. Polite Phrases
ありがとうございます (Arigatou gozaimasu): Thank you (polite)
すみません (Sumimasen): Excuse me / I’m sorry / Thank you (polite context)
お願いします (Onegaishimasu): Please
大丈夫です (Daijoubu desu): It’s okay / I’m fine
Here’s a list of essential phrases to help you navigate your first conversations in Japanese:
1. Greetings
こんにちは (Konnichiwa): Hello / Good afternoon
おはようございます (Ohayou gozaimasu): Good morning (polite)
こんばんは (Konbanwa): Good evening
さようなら (Sayounara): Goodbye
2. Introducing Yourself
はじめまして (Hajimemashite): Nice to meet you
私の名前は[Your Name]です (Watashi no namae wa [Your Name] desu): My name is [Your Name]
[Your Country]から来ました ([Your Country] kara kimashita): I’m from [Your Country]
よろしくお願いします (Yoroshiku onegaishimasu): Please treat me kindly (used when meeting someone new)
3. Asking Questions
お名前は何ですか? (Onamae wa nan desu ka?): What is your name?
どこから来ましたか? (Doko kara kimashita ka?): Where are you from?
これは何ですか? (Kore wa nan desu ka?): What is this?
英語が話せますか? (Eigo ga hanasemasu ka?): Can you speak English?
4. Polite Phrases
ありがとうございます (Arigatou gozaimasu): Thank you (polite)
すみません (Sumimasen): Excuse me / I’m sorry / Thank you (polite context)
お願いします (Onegaishimasu): Please
大丈夫です (Daijoubu desu): It’s okay / I’m fine
5. Basic Responses
はい (Hai): Yes
いいえ (Iie): No
わかります (Wakarimasu): I understand
わかりません (Wakarimasen): I don’t understand
6. Conversation Fillers
ええと… (Eeto): Umm...
そうですか (Sou desu ka): I see
本当に? (Hontou ni?): Really?
7. Ending Conversations
じゃあ、またね (Jaa, Mata ne): See you later (informal)
失礼します (Shitsurei shimasu): Excuse me (when leaving politely)